MO – TH 08:30 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr | FR 08:30 Uhr – 16:00 Uhr

How Employers Support Employees

Supporting Your Employees in Uncertain Times: Maintaining Transparent Communication and Flexibility Introduction Employers are currently facing many uncertainties, particularly in light of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This article introduces measures to help you, as an employer, navigate through these uncertainties and support your employees effectively. Transparent Communication Transparent and honest communication is […]

The safety of thermal insulations

Everything you need to know about the safety of thermal insulation and why thermal insulations are safe and do not pose an increased fire risk is the topic for our article. Introduction As experts in the field of the real estate industry, we want to talk about the safety of thermal insulations in this article. […]

The role of plumbers and heating engineers

The important role of plumbers and heating engineers in the construction industry and why they are indispensable is the topic for our article today. Introduction The construction industry is one of the most important and diverse industries in the world. From residential buildings to office complexes to infrastructure projects like bridges and roads, the construction […]

Planning in a facility construction

The Importance of Careful Planning in Plant Construction – Our Guide for Successful Investments Introduction Investing can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also carries significant risks. To invest successfully, it is essential to have careful planning in plant construction. The importance of careful planning in plant construction cannot be stressed enough. Thorough […]

Find your next job in plant construction

Introduction Plant construction is a vital part of the industry and encompasses the construction of plants for various purposes such as energy generation, the chemical industry, the food industry, and many others. If you are pursuing a career in plant construction or are already active in this field and looking for new opportunities, it can […]

Stability or a Challenging Activity?

Dear Applicants Out There, What Kind of Employment Are You Actually Looking For? Are You Looking for Stability or a Challenging Activity? Introduction It’s a tough decision as to what kind of employment one should seek. Should you focus on stability or look for a challenging activity? It all depends on your personal needs and […]

Everything about the work of a fire protection expert

Wenn wir über Brandschutz sprechen, denken viele von uns sofort an Feuerwehrleute, Rauchmelder und Feuerlöscher. Doch hinter den Kulissen gibt es eine Gruppe von Fachleuten, deren Arbeit oft übersehen wird, aber von entscheidender Bedeutung ist, um Leben und Eigentum zu schützen: die Sprinkler Monteure. Diese Fachkräfte spielen eine unverzichtbare Rolle bei der Installation, Wartung und […]

Plant Mechanic for Sanitary, Heating, and Air Conditioning Technology

Everything You Need to Know About the Occupation of Plant Mechanic for Sanitary, Heating, and Air Conditioning Technology. Introduction The Plant Mechanic for Sanitary, Heating, and Air Conditioning Technology is a profession that has a high demand in the construction industry. This job revolves around installing and maintaining systems for water, gas, and heat supply […]

Work-Life Balance Impact

Could you imagine accepting a position where you fear it could negatively affect your work-life balance? Then read on. Introduction Work-life balance is a crucial factor that influences people’s quality of life. When it comes to work, we should not only focus on compensation and tasks but also on the impact on our personal life. […]